“He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of LIVING WATER.” John 7:38

Stephen Bautista Concert

ALL are invited to join us for a FREE Stephen Bautista concert on Thursday, February 26, at 6:30pm! Stephen is a WELS member from Las Vegas, Nevada, and a full-time Christian Music Missionary that seeks to “enlighten the lost and encourage the found” with his original, Christ-centered music. Listeners enthusiastically describe Bautista as having a similar musical and vocal style to that of James Taylor, but with lyrics that convey a solid Gospel message.

He tours the country with his wife, their nine “roadschooled” children, and a cat, living in a travel trailer they pull behind a Chevy Express van.

Stephen has four Nashville-produced CDs available for purchase at his concerts and worship services. His music is also available online at www.StephenBautistaMusic.com, iTunes, Amazon, and most other online outlets.

Please consider supporting Stephen’s music mission by purchasing his CDs and/or contributing a freewill offering that will help him continue spreading the Gospel with his music.

For more information about Stephen’s music and upcoming events, visit www.StephenBautistaMusic.com.